People-powered movements are rising.

The decisions we make today will shape this country for generations, that's why we must speak out and act together for a fairer, more resilient society, a healthy planet and a safe climate.

Learn more about ACF's change strategy to understand how ACF Community group operates in the big picture. 

By joining an ACF Community group, you will:

  • be part of a fun local group of people who care about making a real difference
  • meet like-minded community members and work together to run local campaigns to protect nature
  • learn new skills, like engaging with media, stakeholders and decision makers to advocate for policies that are good for the health of planet
  • Be connected to a thriving national network of groups like yours!

If there is no active ACF Community group in your area and you'd like to start one, please read this one-page document first and then complete this EOI form. 


Find your local group